Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Things I Would've Tweeted During My Little Brother's Confirmation

  • The Bishop just fell asleep. What a douche.
  • Apparently this is a bilingual mass. All the singing bits have different tunes. coincidence? #probably
  • Mom just made fun of Catholics
  • The kid from my sister's math class just knocked the Bishop's hat off with the incense swinger.
  • Mom made fun of Catholics. Again.
  • The choir director just gestured wildly with her arms and knocked over three microphones.
  • Mom refused to kneel during the kneeling parts of mass. And then made fun of Catholics.
  • My sister was making faces at the toddler in front of her but the Bishop thought she was sticking her tongue out at him.
  • Bishop gave a 30 minute homily. And then read it again in Spanish off a piece of paper.
  • My mother is complaining about the bilingual parts of the service. Oh, and also making fun of Catholics.
  • At a reception where 90% of people are over 45.
  • My brother just lent me his iPhone. TTYL, bitches.


  1. This reminds me why I don't particularly care for your mother. Seriously? Her son is becoming catholic. She should probably bite her tongue on the catholic jokes for the day. And be glad he is religious at all.

  2. I hate going to mass with my mother. She's never made it through a service without ridiculing their "absurd and blasphemous beliefs". I was actually surprised she came at all.
